Package Picture

When a package is assigned a damage type, the Package Pictures field appears.

IntelliTrack Mobile for Android Package Receive form

Click the arrow in the far right of this field to navigate to the Package Pictures form from this field.

Adding a Package Image

At this form, add a picture of the package via device's camera.

Package Pictures Screen

Follow the steps below to add a package picture.

  1. From the Package Pictures form, click the Add button to open the Package Image form.
    1. If a prompt appears asking if IntelliTrack can be allowed to take pictures and record video, select Yes. Otherwise, the device's camera cannot be initialized at this form.

Package Image Scree Allow IntelliTrack to Take Pictures

  1. The device camera takes over the form. Focus on the package. Tap the Circle button to take the picture.

Package Image Screen

  1. Press the Save button to save the picture.

Package Image Screen

  1. Repeat steps 1-4 until you are finished taking pictures of the package.
  2. Once the picture is saved to the form, you are returned to the Package Picture form. The image or images appear in the form.

Package Pictures Screen

Deleting the Package Picture

If you do not want to save the picture, you are able to delete it. To delete the picture, select it. A Trash Can icon and a cancel icon appear along the top of the form. Select the Trash Can icon to delete the picture from the Package Pictures form.

Package Pictures Screen Showing the Delete Icon